Know Your Risk

Posts by:

Cayla Jetter

Decoding Cybersecurity Costs: Unveiling the Financial Wisdom of Outsourcing

In the ever-shifting terrain of cybersecurity, businesses grapple with the relentless challenge of safeguarding their digital assets from sophisticated threats. While many companies opt for in-house cybersecurity teams to combat these challenges, a closer look reveals hidden costs lurking beneath the surface. This article delves into the concealed financial complexities and makes a compelling case for why outsourcing cybersecurity is not just a strategic move but a financial imperative.

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Cracking the Code: Understanding Zero-Day Vulnerabilities for Enhanced Cybersecurity

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, the term "zero-day vulnerabilities" often sends shivers down the spine of security professionals and individuals alike. It's a phrase that sounds like it belongs in a sci-fi movie, yet its implications are very real and have significant consequences for digital security. In this article, we'll embark on a journey to demystify zero-day vulnerabilities, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how you can navigate this complex landscape to bolster your cybersecurity defenses.

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Securing Your Digital Assets: A Guide to Cloud Security Best Practices

In an era dominated by digital transformation, businesses are increasingly turning to cloud computing to streamline operations, enhance scalability, and reduce infrastructure costs. However, with the convenience of the cloud comes the imperative need for robust security measures. Cyber threats are evolving, and safeguarding your digital assets in the cloud requires a proactive approach. 

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Ransomware-as-a-Service: The Growing Threat to Businesses and How to Defend Against It

In recent years, cybercrime has seen a significant transformation, with new tactics and strategies emerging to exploit vulnerable targets, including small and medium businesses (SMBs). One such menace gaining prominence is Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS). Ransomware attacks, where cybercriminals encrypt valuable data and demand a ransom for its release, have become a lucrative criminal enterprise. The rise of RaaS has made these attacks more accessible and potent, posing a severe risk to SMBs. Understanding Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS):

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Smart Toys, Smarter Kids: Balancing Fun and Privacy in Connected Playthings

In the age of technological advancements, smart toys have gained immense popularity as interactive playmates for children. These innovative gadgets come equipped with cutting-edge features like voice recognition, artificial intelligence, and internet connectivity, creating a more engaging and immersive play experience. However, these digital perks come with concerns surrounding the privacy and cybersecurity implications of such toys. The potential risks associated with smart toys should be acknowledged; here we offer guidance to parents on how to strike a balance between fun and privacy for their children.

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Cybersecurity insurance is no longer just “nice to have''

Cybersecurity insurance is no longer a “nice to have'' coverage option for businesses. Whether it’s to satisfy customers’ expectations, meet regulatory requirements or just sleep better at night, every business is investigating ways to maximize cybersecurity insurance coverage at an optimal rate. 

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The Enemy Within

Have you ever heard the phrase "the enemy within"? In today's business world, the enemy within is a very real threat and it is imperative companies understand the potential for insider attacks, and what they can do to protect themselves from this insidious danger. 

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Staying Safe While Letting Go

Layoffs and firings of employees are a fact of business life. However, these actions can introduce significant cybersecurity risks if not properly handled. The potential for former employees to access and misuse sensitive date and systems, either intentionally or accidentally, is becoming an increasing risk for businesses of all sizes. 

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Inside The LastPass Breach

Not so long ago, Social Security numbers served as the most common way to access sensitive information. With the growth of the Internet over the past few decades, passwords and Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) have become a part of our everyday lives. While it used to be easy to keep track of that one memorable master passcode that could be used to access everything from personal bank accounts to work email to managing your online recipe collection, safety protocol now requires unique passwords for every account created. Keeping track of the various keys to the virtual castle has proven nearly impossible for most, leading to the development of popular password management tools. But what happens when the system in charge of keeping all the secret passcodes secure has its own security breach?

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